Purchase of 500 Reams of 75 GSM, White Paper. Brand – JK or Trident (21cm x 29.7cm)
Textiles Committee, a Government of India organization under the control of Ministry of Textiles, intends to invite bids in sealed envelope for supply of 500 Reams of 75 GSM, White, (size 21cms x 29.7cms) paper of Brand – JK or Trident in sealed envelope. Bids should be submitted in enclosed format on following terms and conditions:
Terms & Conditions
- Bids in sealed envelope in favour of undersigned should reach this office on or before 8th May, 2017 up to 4.00 pm by Courier/Post/Hand Delivery. Bid opening is scheduled on 8th May, 2017 at 4.00 pm by the Purchase Committee of this office. Interested bidders, if desire so, may present at the time of opening the bids.
- Rates of the item quoted shall include all types of taxes.
- Rates quoted should be for particular brand JK or Trident Copier paper and should be valid for a period of one month on receipt of Purchase Order issued to the successful bidder.
- Textiles Committee reserves the right to accept or reject one or all the bids without assigning any reasons thereof.
- Payment shall be made through crossed cheque drawn on State Bank of India, Worli (North), Mumbai – 400 018 on satisfactory delivery of the material as per our specifications.
- Sample of the paper should be attached with the bids. The bids, without sample, shall be rejected.
- Selection of the aforesaid paper shall not be on the basis of any brand or party or authorized dealer. Selection of the party will be on the basis of lowest bid subject to the required sample paper enclosed with the bid. If lowest quoted bidder i.e. L-1, by any reason, fails to supply full or part quantity then in such case the next lowest bidder i.e. L-2 will be asked to supply the required quantity at L-1 rate only. If L-2 fails to supply the required quantity at L-1 rate then fresh bids will be called.
- Delivery of the copier paper shall be free of cost at the above address.
- Bids shall be superscribed as bellow :-
“For Copier Paper” Ref. No. 57/48/2011 – Ad.
Yours faithfully,
(Ganesh Bangar)
Assistant Director (EPQA/Admn-HK)
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