Market for Jute Carry Bags - Household Sector in India

Based on a nation wide sample survey to find out the consumer preferences, market potential, availability etc. of Jute Carry Bags in India, an analytical report has been prepared. The report presents the findings of the survey alongwith recommendations and the methodology adopted for the survey. This study sponsored by the Jute Manufactures Development Council, Kolkata, was conducted in the towns/cities of more than three lakh population where the government has imposed restrictions on the usage of the plastic carry bags. The data on preference/usage of Jute carry bags has been analysed focussing on the effects of demographic variables like income, family size, area of residence, etc. The report depicts the composition of the total market for carry bags in all the towns/cities in India with a population of three lakhs and above. All the manufacturers and traders/distributors besides the policy makers in different states will benefit immensely from the information provided in the report. The report consists of 221 pages with text and tables.