advertisement for engaging freelance editor in TC Website - reg.
Textiles Committee, a Statutory Body under Ministry of Textiles, Government of India publishes several high quality market research reports from time to time including its flagship annual report "Market for Textiles & Clothing: National Household Survey" running into 200 odd pages. We are looking for engaging experienced & expert freelance editorial consultant(s) who have proven experience in any national level publications/ newspapers/ journals & strong writing & editing skills along with ability to handle pictorial representations of tables, graphs, charts, excel sheets in our reports. It is a part time and piece based engagement at Mumbai.
Interested professionals may send in their CV along with their terms and conditions, if any and charges latest by 22nd Sept,, 2020 addressed to Secretary, Textiles Committee on secy[dot]tc[at]nic[dot]in with subject title ‘ Editorial Consultancy’. For more details call: Shri T.K. Rout, Dy. Director (MR), Tel. No. 022-66527563 / 564.