Inviting bids for Refiling & AMC of Fire Extinguishers
(Ministry of Textiles, Government of India)
Administration (Housekeeping)
P. Balu Road, Prabhadevi,
Mumbai- 400 025
Email. tchkmumbai[at]gmail[dot]com
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Tel: 022-66527523/586/532
No. 52/43/2009- AD -II Date:26th February,2018
Sub: - Letter inviting bids for Refiling & AMC of Fire Extinguishers at Textiles Committee, Prabhadevi, Mumbai-400025.
Textiles Committee, Government of India, Ministry of Textiles intends to invite bids for refiling & AMC of Fire Extinguishers at Prabhadevi, Mumbai-400 025.Textiles Committee having approx. 65 number of different types Fire Extinguisher for refilling and after refilling selected bidder has to undertake the AMC of all extinguishers. Bidders are requested to submit the bid for refilling and Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) on their letterhead in the prescribed format which is enclosed as Annexure-156.76 KB.
The Terms & Conditions for refilling/ Scope of AMC are as under:
- All the extinguisher shall be properly cleaned and checked for blockage/leakage of nozzles/discharge hoses and other accessories.
- All refilling material shall be of BIS Standard and correct technical procedure shall be adopted while carrying the work.
- The spare parts that may require replacement shall be replaced only after prior confirmation of charges/rates.
- The scope of work of AMC consists of checking, cleaning, overhauling, and lubricating of mechanical parts, battery maintenance and replacement of spares to keep the systems in healthy working condition.
- The Annual Maintenance contract (AMC) shall be valid for the period of one year from the date of work order.
- Monthly cleaning of checking of nozzles, plungers and inner part of all extinguishers.
- Monthly weighing of extinguishers, weighing machine will be provided by us.
- Bidder shall confirm that they are having all the required spares for the system at their place and are in position to supply the same in shortest possible time.
- Bidder shall confirm that, during AMC contract, if any break down problem arises in the system, their engineers shall attend the same within shortest possible time and they will keep the systems in normal working condition. All such visits shall not be chargeable.
- The refilling, painting and Hydro testing for foam and DCP type Extinguishers may be carried at our site or at bidder’s site. It is at bidder’s discretion.
- Monthly checking of cartridge & puncture disc of extinguishers and history card recording of all extinguishers shall be maintained.
- Selection criteria:
A. Only L-1 Bidder i.e. aggregated cost of refilling & AMC, shall be selected for award of contract.
B. Textiles Committee reserves the right to award the contract to Lowest Bidder No.2 and/ or No.3 in case the Lowest Bidder No.1 backs out of the contract. It is also at the liberty of Textiles Committee to ask the Lowest Bidder No. 2 and/ or 3 in succeeding order to carry out the scope of work under the contract at the rates quoted by Lowest Bidder No.1. In succeeding order if L-2 and/or L-3 rejects/ fails to accept the offer then fresh bids will be called.
- Textiles Committee has the right to accept or reject all or particular bid at any time without assigning any reason thereof.
- No damage shall be caused to the property of Textiles Committee while carrying out the assigned work. Any damage to property of Textiles Committee shall be recovered from the selected bidder in terms of money or replacement of said property.
- The work should be carried out within 2 weeks at the said site of Textiles Committee, at Prabhadevi, Mumbai at the said cost after receipt of Work Order.
- The rate shall be quoted after actual site visit.
- Payment Terms: The payment will be made on satisfactory completion of work as per the specification contained in the work order and within the time as stipulated in work order. No advance payment
- Textiles Committee shall not be responsible for any delay in receipt of bid or non-receipt of bid sent by post/ courier. The bidders shall submit the bid by post/ courier/ hand delivery in the Administration-HK division of Textiles Committee, Mumbai on or before the due date.
- The bid shall be on letter-head of the bidder and submitted in a sealed cover supercribing “Refiling & AMC of Fire Extinguishers at Textiles Committee, Prabhadevi, Mumbai-400025” on or before 16.03.2018 at 3.00 PM.
Yours faithfully,
(Ganesh Bangar)
Assistant Director (EPQA & Admn-HK)
Encl: Bid format56.76 KB