Inviting bids for printing & supply of Textiles Committee Hindi House Journal “Priyadarshini”.
Secretary, Textiles Committee intends to invite bids for printing & supply of Textiles Committee’s “Hindi House Journal “Priyadarshini” on following specifications:
Sr. No. |
Particulars |
Details |
1.0 |
No. of pages |
40 (inside) + cover page (front & back) +/- 4 pages |
2.0 |
Paper Size |
A4(11.69” X 8.27”) |
2.1 |
Outer front cover printed |
170 GSM Art Card (+/- 5 GSM) |
2.2 |
Outer back cover printed |
170 GSM Art Card (+/- 5 GSM) |
2.3 |
Inside pages |
100 GSM Art Card (+/- 2 GSM) |
3.0 |
Printing |
3.1 |
Outer front & back cover |
4 colour |
3.2 |
Inside pages |
4 colour |
4.0 |
Binding |
Pinning (2 Nos.) |
5.0 |
Quantity |
250 copies per issue (4 issues) Total=1000 copies. |
6.0 |
Packing |
“Hindi House journal Priyadarshini” to be enclosed in minimum 20 micron transparent plastic bag printed with Textiles Committee’s address & affixed with two stickers addresses in soft copy (excel/word) will be provided by Textiles Committee |
8.0 |
Delivery |
Textiles Committee, Mumbai |
9.0 |
Contract period / validity of rate |
Valid for 4 issues from the date of first work order |
The Terms & Conditions:
- Bidder/ Parties shall submit bid in the prescribed format as enclosed with this letter. Non-submission of bid in the prescribed format shall lead to rejection of that bid though it stands L-1. The format is comprehensive & includes required compliances, such rejected bid though stands L-1 shall not be considered for Financial Evaluation.
- Textiles Committee will provide the final offset copy of Priyadarshini as received from Designer (in either“pdf” or in design or coral draw format) to printer for final printing.
- The bidder/ party shall have the competence in Hindi typing, printing and with respective resources under one roof.
- The sample copies of earlier issues of Hindi House Journal Priyadarshini are enclosed with this letter.
- The bidder/ party shall enclose the sample of papers of the all GSM in A4 size & 20 micron transparent plastic bag along with bid duly stamped and signed with the rubber stamp of the firm. Non submission of paper samples & plastic bag samples shall reject your bid.
- The Committee is not responsible for any delay in receipt of bid sent by post/ courier. The bidders/ parties can submit their bid at the House Keeping division of the Textiles Committee, Prabhadevi, Mumbai on or before the due date and obtain the acknowledgement.
- Textiles Committee reserves the right to accept or reject one or all the bids without assigning any reasons thereof.
- The Priyadarshani being the quarterly activity must be finalized and delivered within 10 days after placing the work order at Textiles Committee, Mumbai at the supplier’s cost.
- The payment will be made within 15 days on satisfactory delivery of the printed material as per the specifications within the stipulated delivery period. No advance payment shall be made. The payment after applicable deductions shall be made by crossed cheque only.
- EMD: Interest free EMD of Rs. 1500/- by way of Demand Draft to be submitted along with bids. Non submission of requisite EMD shall reject the bids. However registered printers/printing firms with Textiles Committee need not submit EMD along with bids. The EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned back within 45 days after selection of successful bidder.
- Performance Security: The successful bidder shall deposit 5% of total value of contract with Textiles Committee by way of DD as interest free security deposit. In case of non satisfactory performance or breach of contracts the performance security @ 5% so deposited with Textiles Committee shall be forfeited.
- Non declaration of compliance as stated in the enclosed format for submission of bid shall reject your bid.
- Any other conditions stipulated at the time of placing the orders have to be complied with.
- Submission of Bid: The bid shall be on the letterhead of the party in a sealed cover super scribing “Bids for printing & supply of Textiles Committee Hindi House Journal-Priyadarshini” and shall be submitted to the undersigned by post/ courier/ hand delivered at the Textiles Committee, House Keeping Division, 4th floor, P. Balu Road, Prabhadevi Chowk, Prabhadevi, Mumbai – 400 025, on or before 3.00 PM on 30.01.2018.
- Opening of Bids: The bids will be opened on 31/01/2018 at 11.00 AM at the above address by the Purchase Committee. Bidders, if so desire, may be present during the opening of bids at the scheduled date and time.
Yours faithfully,
(Ganesh Bangar)
Assstt. Director (EPQA & Admn.HK)
Bidder/Party shall submit their bid in the below format only
Ref. No. Date:
The Secretary,
Textiles Committee
P.Balu Road, Prabhadevi
Mumbai- 400 025.
Sub: - Submission of bids for printing & supply of Textiles Committee “Hindi House Journal Priyadarshini”
Ref: - 59/35/2007-AD Vol-1 dated 12.01.2018
We are pleased to give our bids for printing & supply of 4 issues of Textiles Committee’s “Hindi House Journal Priyadarshini” The particulars are as below:
Sr. No. |
Particulars |
Amount in Rs. |
A |
Printing & Supply charges |
01 |
Rate for printing & supply of 250 copies of 40 pages “Hindi House Journal Priyadarshini” |
02 |
Applicable taxes (pl. specify) |
03 |
Any other charges (pl. specify) |
Total Rs. (A) |
B |
Final cost per issue for printing & supply of 250 copies of 40 pages priyadarshini (i.e. A) |
C |
Total cost for 4 issues (1000 copies) (i.e. B x 4) |
D |
Charges for Add. No. of pages & less No. of pages (i.e. +/- 4 pages) |
01 |
Rate for printing of +/- 4 pages (inside) for 250 copies, if any |
E |
Compliances |
01 |
Compliance to payment terms (give Yes/ No) |
02 |
Compliance to validity of quoted rate for 4 issues from the date of first work order (give Yes/ No) |
03 |
Compliance to terms & conditions (give Yes/ No) |
05 |
Compliance to payment of performance security @ 5% of total contract value (give Yes/ No) |
F |
Required Submission |
01 |
Submission of EMD of Rs.1500/- DD No. ________________Date_____________ Drawn on ________________payable at Mumbai. (Not applicable for registered printers/printing firms with Textiles Committee) |
02 |
Submission of required paper samples & plastic bag samples (give Yes/ No) |
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Signature of Authorized signatory of bidders
along with company seal