Purchase and refilling of Cartridge/ Toner
Textiles Committee intends to invite bids for purchase/ refilling of Cartridge/ Toner of different models/ make of Computer printers installed in the office building at Prabhadevi, Mumbai. Supply of new and refilled Cartridges/ Toners are to be done as and when required. You are requested to submit your bid for purchase and refilling of Cartridges/ Toners mentioned in the list enclosed herewith, subject to terms and conditions stipulated herein under :-
- Rate for purchase and refilling of cartridge/ toner shall be valid for one year from the date of the order. The contract, if required, may be extended for further period of 3 months after expiry date on the approved rates only.
- Any damage to printer due to refilled cartridge/ Toner’s leakage will be borne by successful bidder without any charges.
- Selected bidder/ party shall ensure strictly to refill the best quality refilling powder with proper quantity/ weight.
- The successful bidder/ party shall submit self declaration on their letter head for supply of original cartridge/ toner along with invoice.
- Selected bidder/ party shall take utmost care to replace drum & blade of cartridge/ toner of respective printer in such a way that they should perform for its highest life cycle i.e. shall be utilized for almost 2 to 4 refills further.
- Taxes, if any shall be shown separately.
- Textiles Committee reserves the right to reject or accept any or all the bids without assigning any reason thereof.
- Bill in respect of Purchase and refilling of cartridge/ toner shall be submitted to the Section concerned.
- The payment will be made by crossed cheque drawn on State Bank of India, Worli (North) Mumbai-400025 only after receipt of certified bill.
- If lowest quoted party i.e L-1 by any reason, fails to supply particular and/ or all new and refilled Cartridges/ Toners then in such case the next lowest party i.e.L-2 will be asked to supply new and refilled Cartridges / Toners at L-1 rate only. If L-2 fails to supply the required quantity at L-1 rate then fresh bids will be called for that particular and/ or all toner/ cartridges.
- Any part like drum, blade etc.should not be replaced by successful bidder/ party without prior intimation/ permission from section concerned of Textiles Committee.
- Bid in sealed cover addressed to the undersigned by name should reach to this office not later than 03 October, 2016 upto 3.00 pm.
- Bid cover should be superscribed as:
Ref: No. 57/45/2010 - AD "Bid for Purchase and refilling of Cartridge/ Toner”
Yours faithfully,
(Ganesh Bangar)
Assistant Director (EPQA & Admn-HK)
Encl. Detail List of Purchae and REfilling of Cartridges/Toners16.78 KB