Procurement of Certified Reference Material (CRM) / Standard Reference Material of reputed brands/makes with traceability to NIST required for laboratory of Textiles Committee, Mumbai for the year 2016-17.
No. TC/Lab/Mumbai/CRM/2016 (15-6) dated 22-June-2016
Procurement of Certified Reference Material (CRM) / Standard Reference Material of reputed brands/makes with traceability to NIST required for laboratory of Textiles Committee, Mumbai for the year 2016-17.
Laboratory of Textiles Committee, Mumbai hereby invites Quotations for the procurement of CRM / SRM of reputed brands/makes with traceability to NIST in the prescribed format as per
the details given in Annexure
310.48 KB.
CRMs of banned amines shall be quoted for preferably in solid state form with purity of 99% or above and SRMs in the available condition with traceability to NIST. The quantities mentioned in the Annexure are tentative and may vary at the time of finalization.
The bidder may download the Annexure
310.48 KB and submit quotation in the letterhead of the firm duly abiding by the terms and conditions mentioned. Sealed quotations superscribing “Quotations for the purchase of CRM / SRM” may be submitted to The Director (Laboratories), Textiles Committee, Govt. of India, Ministry of Textiles, P. Balu Road, Prabhadevi Chowk,Prabhadevi, Mumbai- 400025 by Courier/hand delivery to this office on or before 18.07.2016 up to 3.00 pm.
- The bidder shall quote for the standard minimum packing quantity available for each item.
- The bidder shall provide certificate of analysis traceable to NIST for each of the item supplied.
- The successful bidder shall deliver the items ordered inside the premises of the laboratory of Textiles Committee, Mumbai. If found to be defective, damaged or non-compatible with the specification and not accompanied with certificate of analysis, arrangement for replacement of the item forthwith at no additional cost to Textiles Committee.
- Delivery of the items should be within 1-2 weeks from the date of issuance of Purchase Order and should not be extended.
- Payment will be made only after satisfactory supply of all the items ordered and submission of Bill to the laboratory of Textiles Committee, Mumbai. Payment for part supply will not be entertained.
- The Textiles Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotations without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Director (Laboratories)
Encl: a/a.