Inviting bids for cleaning of all the glass and structure of the Office building, guest house building, Atrium (inside & outside) and Auditorium for Textiles Committee, Mumbai on Quarterly basis for one year.
NO.51/18/2005-AD 25th February, 2016
Textiles Committee, Government of India, Ministry of Textiles, having its office at P. Balu Road, Prabhadevi Chowk, Prabhadevi, Mumbai -400 025 invites bids for cleaning of all the glass and structure of the Office Building, Guest House Building, Atrium (Inside & Outside) and Auditorium periodically.
Interested parties may visit the site till due date of submission of bids for façade cleaning as mentioned above, subject to terms and conditions herein as under:
The contract will be entrusted only for One year from the date of order on quarterly basis with including cost of materials and manpower in a format so attached in the company letter head signed by the authorized person
Textiles Committee is having spider Man Kit and scaffolding for façade cleaning. You shall use it with enough care and keep the same at its place after completion of the cleaning services. Further filling of silicone in the structure & structural glazing & patching holes on atrium is the responsibility of the contractor & to be done wherever required. The material for silicone filing & patching holes will be borne & given by Textiles Committee.
Isurance of the person deputed in façade cleaning work shall be the responsibility of the contractor.
Atrium shall be cleaned from inside also.
Necessary care should be taken while cleaning. Expenses towards damage to person, property of Textiles Committee if any, shall be recovered from the service provider.
Company/Firm of bidder shall in existence for last 3 years.
The bidder shall submit along with their bids self attested copy of company / firm registration certificate, Pan Card & ITR for last 3 years (2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015). Non submission of these documents,shall reject the bid.
Interest free EMD of Rs. 5000/- by way of demand draft to be submitted along with bids. Non submission of requisite EMD shall reject the bids. The EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned back within 45 days after selection of successful bidder.
The successful bidder shall deposit 5% of total value of one year contract with Textiles Committee by way of DD as interest free security deposit. In case of non satisfactory performance or breach of contracts from cleaning services, the performance security @ 5% so deposited with Textiles Committee shall be forfeited.
The Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bids without assigning any reason thereof.
If the services are found not satisfactory and fail to fulfill the agreed scope of the work, the Textiles Committee reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time without giving any reason thereof with forfeiture of performance security.
The payment will be made by crossed cheque payable at State Bank of India, Worli, Mumbai -400 018 only after Completion of cleaning work satisfactorily on quarterly basis. No advance payment.
Bid shall only be submitted in the prescribed format as enclosed with this letter.
The bid in prescribed format on letterhead along with company/firm profile, EMD & above mentioned documents in sealed cover addressed to the undersigned by name should reach this office not later than 21st March, 2016, upto 05.00 pm.
The quotation cover should super scribed as under:
Ref. No 51/18/20005-AD “Bid for Façade Cleaning”
Due date: 21st March, 2016 upto 05.00 pm.
Yours Faithfully,
(Ganesh Bangar)
Assistant Director (EPQA & Admn. HK)
Bids for facade cleaning shall be submitted in the below format only.
< On Letter head >
Date: Ref. No.
The Secretary,
Textiles Committee
P. Balu Marg,
Mumbai – 400 025.
Sub:-Submission of bids for façade cleaning of all the glass and structure of the Office Building, Guest House Building, Atrium (Inside & Outside) & Auditorium.
Dear sir,
We are pleased to give our bids for facade cleaning of all the glass and structure of the Office Building, Guest House Building, Atrium (Inside & Outside) & Auditorium as below.
Sr. No. |
Particulars |
Amount in Rupees |
1 |
Total rate for 4 quarters services (i.e. for one year) for façade cleaning of all the glass and structure of the Office Building, Guest House Building, Atrium (Inside & Outside) & Auditorium. |
2 |
Any other charges (please specify, add row if necessary) |
3 |
Taxes if any (please specify) |
4 |
Grand Total |
5 |
Total Rupees in words: |
6 |
Compliance to Validity of quoted Rate for one year from the date of first work order: (Give Yes or No) |
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Signature of Authorised signatory of bidders
along with company seal
Corrigendum/Addemdum : Corrigendum 1204.61 KB